
Create a classic, peaceful ambiance with the beautiful warm tones and natural symmetry of Art Hide’s Tranquilo.

Art Hide cowhide rugs are stitched together using commercial grade nylon thread and feature a branded ribbon edge finish. They are built to last a lifetime.

Composition : 100% Premium Cowhide

Standard Sizes 

4’6” x 5’9” (1.4 x 2m) - $1,395

6’7” x 9’8”  (2 x 3m) - $2,495

2.75 x 3.65m (9’ x 12′) - $4,150

CUSTOM -  $42 SqFt


Or any custom colors from the Art Hide Color Chart.

All Art Hide can be fully customized and are available by the square foot and meter.

Find out more about this style at